2016 & 2018 Australian Club Of The Year


The Coffs Harbour Boardriders Club (CHBC) takes no responsibility for such damage, loss or injury. It is a condition of participation in the competition that you agree and acknowledge the following:


  1. I shall at all times during or in connection with the competition comply with the directions of authorised CHBC officials and other authorised persons and all rules or regulation applicable to the competition, failing which I understand I may be removed from the competition or otherwise disciplined, in the reasonable discretion of the CHBC Committee.
  2. I understand that I participate in the competition entirely at my own risk, and that the CHBC and other officials shall have no responsibility for any damage, loss of injury suffered.
  3. I hereby release the CHBC Officials to the extent permitted under the Trade Practices Act 1974(Cth), from any liability in respect of any loss, damage, injury claim, action, costs, penalties or proceedings suffered, incurred or arising at any time as a result of, or in connection with my attendance at or participation in the competition, whether caused through negligence, default, misconduct or otherwise.
  4. I hereby indemnify the competition organisers (CHBC), to the extent permitted under the Trade Practices Act (Cth) or otherwise by law, against liability in respect of any actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, penalties and injuries suffered, arising or incurred as a result of or in connection with my attendance at or participation in, the competition whether caused through negligence, default, misconduct or otherwise.
  5. Competitors under the age of 18 are expected to be under the supervision of a Parent or Gauardian at all times whilst competing at CHBC events. CHBC officials do not provide supervision of any competitor under the age of 18 years old and as such they remain the responsibility of their own Parent/Guardian at all times.
  6. Please note we take photos of our events and use them for CHBC marketing, by signing below you are agreeing to our image uses and promotion of our club.

Sponsor Sawtell Boardriders

If you’re a business who is active in your local community, consider a
sponsorship package with the Sawtell Boardriders Club

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors